Can You Help Us?


As we enter the Christmas season, it is once again time for our third annual GIVING HEARTS toys donation.  With the help of Butler County Children’s Services and local church groups, we have identified more than 60 of the neediest families in Butler County. These families are in such desperate need that they are unable to provide any gifts for their children this Christmas.

Here’s where your help is needed. Our GIVING HEARTS program donates gift wrapped toys/gifts to all of the children in each of these 60+ families…more than 250 children. These will be delivered to each family on December 22. The program is anonymous (Secret Santa :)).
New, gift wrapped toys/gifts may be dropped off at our office anytime between November 28 and December 20. The age group is 1-18 years of age. When a gift is wrapped, only the age and whether it is for a boy or girl is needed to be on the gift tag.

If you are unable to wrap the gifts, we will wrap them for you. The toys are sorted and boxed by family need (we have the number, sex, and age of each child in the family). Each box of gifts will include a children’s Bible and the true meaning of Christmas.

As you shop for your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, please consider our GIVING HEARTS program. It will be deeply appreciated!

Remember the words of Paul the Apostle: “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.” Acts 20:35

Thank you in advance for your help in this giving project, and …