Watermelon is an amazing fruit, which can work wonders for your skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer as well as a toner and keeps the skin cool, glowing and fresh.
Packed with vitamins and minerals the watermelon is labeled as one of the healthiest fruit. Low in calories and fat free, watermelon is prescribed as an ideal diet food.
Fight Fatigue and Keep Your Metabolism in High Gear with Water Melons
On a typical summer day watermelons are extremely refreshing as they have very high water content, 92% water and 8% sugar.
Rich in electrolytes (sodium and potassium) this wonder fruit amazingly nourishes your body. It not only replaces the electrolytes lost through sweat but also hydrates your cells and maintains the water balance in the cells. Metabolism is boosted as the functionality of the cells is increased, ultimately energizing your body.
The 4 great fatigue fighters – Potassium, Vitamin C, lycopene and iron found in watermelon drives away any feeling of fatigue you may experience.
Naturally, watermelons are ‘The Pick Of The Season’.
Are You Stressed Out? Relax And Chill Out With Water Melon Juice Or Cubes
Watermelon is a ‘sensational’ stress buster says a research. Watermelon is high in vitamin B6- and is used by the body to produce brain chemicals, which may relieve stress, anxiety and panic attacks. It naturally relaxes the blood vessels without any drug side effects.