Ask Dr. Maxwell

How To Treat Brittle Nails Naturally

by: Dr. Craig A. Maxwell

Brittle nails can be frustrating. No matter how much you polish, buff, and moisturize, you still don’t have beautiful nails. Why are perfect nails so hard for some woman and men to have? Breaking nails are often a sign of something else going wrong in the body. In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of brittle nails and explore some nutritional cures.

Common Causes of Brittle Nails

Beautiful Nails with Nutritional Cures

Your diet affects your entire health and well-being. If you’re not eating well, you’re not going to feel or look good. Your hair, nails, skin, and eyes all show when you’re not eating well. A diet rich in whole foods is best when addressing any type of chronic health problem, even something as seemingly-minor as brittle or breaking nails.

Get rid of the junk in your diet, such as processed food/fast food and sugar, and load up on lots of nutrient-rich fresh organic vegetables and fruit, protein-rich organic chicken, turkey and fish, and legumes and nuts to stay healthy and feel great. 

What Is The Best Natural Supplement Program To Treat Brittle Nails?

I am often asked that question. It’s a great question! I am glad you asked!

The best way to treat brittle nails is from the inside out. Treat your nails (and skin and hair) with proper, and very specific, nutrition while they are being formed with this very effective and convenient 2-part program:

1.) When you’re dealing with brittle nails, there are specific nutrients your body is crying out for. For my patients with brittle, weak or breaking fingernails, I recommend Diamond Nutritionals’ Skin, Hair, and Nail Formula. It contains a synergistic blend of natural nutrients designed to heal your nails from the inside out. You’ll also be nourishing your skin and hair at the same time! This popular formula is made in America, as are all of our products. It has helped many since I began using it in my clinical practice 12 years ago, and is now shipped throughout the world. I believe you will find it very effective!

The synergistic blend of natural ingredients include:

2.) A very important part of a nail (and skin and hair) rejuvenation plan is a balanced, professional grade vitamin and mineral formula. I recommend Diamond Nutritionals’ Foundation Vitamin Formula.

Three Foundation Vitamin Formula tablets and three Skin, Hair, and Nails Formula capsules once daily have helped many of my patients over the years, and I believe they will help you as well! These may be taken together, preferably with food.

Natural Oils

Using natural oils on your dry, brittle nails can help nourish them from the outside.

For some, perfect nails just aren’t an option. If you’re on a job where you have to use your fingers a lot, it might be best to keep them short and well-groomed. To heal brittle nails, address underlying health problems, focus on good nutrition, and use the  correct, natural supplementation. It’s the fastest way to heal your body and from the inside out!

             All Diamond Nutritionals products are proudly made in the USA!