Ask Dr. Maxwell

How To Treat HPV Naturally

Protect Your Daughters

by: Dr. Craig A. Maxwell

The HPV vaccine Gardasil has had a negative impact on the health of over 15,000 girls and young women since its inception in 2006. Due to this, more and more health-conscious consumers are seeking alternative options. Instead of relying on a potentially-dangerous vaccine that has been shown to only be effective against 4 to 9 (depending on which vaccine is given) out of the 200 known strains of HPV, you can boost your immune system to fight HPV naturally.

Dangerous Side Effects Associated with Gardasil

Dozens of studies have proven that the synthetic chemicals contained in Gardasil can cause serious, disabling side effects. These chemicals include polysorbate 80, aluminum, MSG, L-Histidine, and even MSG! Each of them has been shown to cause side effects ranging from autoimmune disease to miscarriages to neurological impairment. For more information on these side effects, read my article on the harmful truth about Gardasil.

 Most Human Papillomavirus Infections Clear Up On Their Own in Two Years

It may surprise you to know that amidst all of the urgency surrounding a so-called “HPV epidemic,” HPV rarely causes cancer. Furthermore, the virus usually clears itself up in a span of two years without the patient ever experiencing any symptoms. It’s also important to understand that just because you’ve tested positive for HPV doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get cervical cancer (or genital warts). It only means you have a virus that needs to be cleared from your system.

For your body to clear the virus, you may need extra immune support. This can often be done through the use of dietary changes, stress management, and immune-boosting supplements.

Boost Your Immune System to Fight HPV Naturally

The best way to fight HPV and the health complications associated with it is to boost your immune system so it can destroy the infection naturally.

To do this, you need to:

A strong immune system starts with a healthy diet. If your diet consists mainly of highly-processed foods like donuts, fast-food meals, and diet soda, your immune system will suffer. This is because these types of foods are nutritionally-void. They may fill your stomach, but will not give your immune system the nutrients it needs to function properly and protect you from disease.

To maintain a strong, healthy immune system, you must eat a wholesome diet. This means slowly weaning off processed food and investing in nutrient-dense foods such as organic vegetables, fruit, beans, seeds, nuts, meat, poultry, fish, and healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil.

It has been scientifically proven that stress can be much more than a nuisance; stress can kill. Too much stress over too long a span of time can lower your resistance and decrease your natural killer (NK) cells so they are no longer able to protect and defend you from disease. To lower your stress levels, have a purpose-driven, spirit filled life. You may also want to take up a relaxing hobby, laugh at a funny video, or just sit quietly reading a book. The more relaxed you are, the more your body can work on healing itself.

Even if you eat the healthiest diet, you may still have several nutritional deficiencies, which could have a negative impact on the health of your immune system. This is why it’s very important to supplement your diet with ultra high-grade nutritional supplements.

According to a study conducted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham, low serum folate levels have been linked to the development of cervical dysplasia (caused primarily by HPV). The study concluded that women with sufficient folate and B12 levels were 70% less likely to be diagnosed with a more advanced form of cervical dysplasia. Folic Acid is part of my HPV program, as you will see below…..

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a compound present in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. According to a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published by the Louisiana State University Medical Center, women with cervical dysplasia II and III were given 200-400mg per day of indole-3-carbinol. Half of the patients in the 200mg per day group had complete regression of their disease and four out of the nine women in the 400mg group had complete regression as well. Not one of the women in the placebo group achieved this regression.

As women mature, their natural levels of the potent antioxidant CoQ10 begin to decline. This is especially true for women taking hormone replacement therapy or for those who use statin drugs for high cholesterol. Antioxidants are known for their cancer fighting and cancer prevention properties. Studies have shown that women with low levels of CoQ10 are at increased risk for the development of cervical cancer. Adding a CoQ10 supplement can help fight HPV naturally while also protecting your heart health. For my patients, I recommend 100-200 mg. daily.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is another powerful supplement that can help fight and prevent the development of HPV naturally. NAC raises your natural levels of glutathione, an antioxidant your body produces naturally. This antioxidant boosts your immune system and helps your immune system stay strong to fight off bacteria, viruses, and pathogens before they can turn cause a more serious health problem. NAC is part of my HPV program, as you will see below…..

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has been proven by numerous studies to boost your immune system and prevent the development of cancer. Research has proven that women with a high dietary intake of vitamin C had a marked reduction in the risk of cervical dysplasia and other HPV-related illnesses. For my patients, I recommend 500-1,000 mg. daily. Vitamin C is part of my HPV program, as you will see below…..

Given the harmful risks associated with the Gardasil vaccine, it’s important for women and young girls to learn their alternative options. The stronger your immune system, the better equipped you are to fight off a virus that could potentially contribute to the development of cervical cancer. Where vaccines deplete your immune system and leave you vulnerable to disease, antioxidants, stress management, and dietary support boost your immune system so your body can protect itself.


I often get asked that question. It is a very good question. I am glad you asked! Having treated many patients for HPV infection over the past 30+ years, I have found the following combination to be the most effective in boosting the immune system to fight HPV in BOTH WOMEN AND MEN. Make sure your partner(s) is treated as well!

1.) Immune Cell Support Formula. Take two twice a day for 8 weeks. Immune system booster. NK (Natural Killer) cell booster/activator.

NK (Natural Killer) cells are a type of infection-fighting white blood cells known as lymphocytes. Natural killer cells make toxic granules (toxic to viruses and bacteria), known as granzymes, and inject them into HPV cells, thereby killing the virus.

2.) Vitamin D3 5,000 I.U. Take one a day as part of a good health regimen. Immune system booster.

3.) Foundation Vitamin Formula. Take three once a day, or one three times a day, as part of a good health plan. Immune system booster.

4.) N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Take one a day for 8 weeks. Immune system booster. Body and liver detoxifier. 

All may be taken together. #1 and #4 are only taken for 8 weeks, although many choose to take them longer as they feel so much better. These work together to boost the production and activity of natural killer (NK) cells in your body, along with proper diet, exercise and stress reduction. #2 and #3 help keep the immune system optimized at all times. I recommend taking #2 and #3 regularly beyond the 8 week program as part of a good health plan and to keep the immune system optimized.

Your choice of supplements is very important. Many store-bought supplements vary in quality.  Diamond Nutritionals’ products are ultra high-grade professional supplements, made in America to the highest standards.
