by Dr. Craig A. Maxwell
If new cholesterol-lowering guidelines go into effect, one-third of the United States population (that’s 44 percent of men and 22 percent of women) would meet the standard medical criteria for taking a statin drug.
I recommend the American Heart Association’s guidelines: Total Cholesterol 200 mg./dl or less, LDL(“the bad”) Cholesterol 100 mg./dl or less and HDL (“the good”) Cholesterol 40 mg./dl or higher. Triglycerides should be below 150 mg./dl. I also recommend a Cardio CRP of less than 3 mg./Liter.
Cholesterol that has become abnormally low or has been made to be abnormally low by a statin drug could significantly increase your risk of cancer, heart disease, dementia, and more. You can lower your cholesterol and protect your heart health without the health risks associated with statin drugs.
Scientific Studies Link Low Cholesterol to Cancer
1. High Cholesterol Levels Associated with Lowered Cancer Risk
A 1997 study published in The Lancet[1.], declared that in individuals over the age of 85, high cholesterol levels were associated with increased longevity. Participants in the study not only had healthier hearts and sharper minds, they also appeared to have much lower incidents of cancer.
2. Low Cholesterol Linked to Colon, Lung, Cervix, and Breast Cancer
A study published by the Annual Review of Nutrition[2.] noted that low serum cholesterol levels resulted in a 5-10% increase in the development of colon and lung cancer in men and, in women under 50, an increased risk for breast and cervical cancer. The study also showed that low cholesterol levels were linked to the development in leukemia in both sexes.
Another study, published by Ethnicity and Disease[3.], showed that African American women exhibited significant increase in breast cancer risk when HDL cholesterol levels were too low.
3. Invasive Breast Cancer Linked to Long-Term Statin Use
According to a study published by Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention[4.], long-term use of statin drugs among women lead to a significant increase in the risk of both ductal and lobular breast cancers.
4. Statin Drugs May Increase Prostate Cancer Risk
A study published by Prostate[5.] over three years revealed results which showed a significant increase in the development of prostate cancer. The drugs appeared to have a cumulative effect over time, meaning the longer the patient took the drug, the higher his risk for prostate cancer. –
More Disturbing Side Effects of Statin Drugs
Prescription statin drugs like Crestor and Lipitor stop the production of cholesterol. The problem is that it is in every cell in your body contains cholesterol and it serves many important purposes.
You cannot live without cholesterol. Your body requires it for proper nervous system function, hormone regulation, digestion, and wound healing.
In addition to cancer development, statin drugs have also been linked to:
- Heart Disease
According to a study conducted by Atherosclerosis[6.], the use of statin drugs is associated with a 52% increase in calcified coronary plaque, which has been linked to the development of heart disease. Statin drugs also deplete your body’s natural stores of CoQ10, a powerful natural antioxidant that protects your heart.
- Dementia
A quarter of your body’s total cholesterol resides in your brain. The function of your nervous system depends on those waxy molecules protect your myelin sheath, which insulates the neurons responsible for sending information signals throughout your brain and body. When you are artificially prevented from making cholesterol, it can have a negative impact on your cognition, memory, and mood.
- Anemia
Lipitor has been associated with the destruction of red blood cells, which could result in a condition called hemolytic anemia. If you experience sudden fatigue, shortness of breath, and/or jaundice (yellowing of the skin) after beginning a statin medication, seek medical attention immediately.
- Nutritional Deficiencies
Without cholesterol, digestion and absorption of nutrients is significantly affected. Two of the most dangerous deficiencies associated with statin drugs are vitamin D3 and CoQ10 deficiency. Vitamin D3 is responsible for proper immune and neurological function as well as hormone regulation.
Without CoQ10, you are at increased risk for heart disease. If you are currently taking a statin drug, supplement your diet with both of these nutrients immediately.

- Pancreatic Dysfunction
According to a study published by Baylor University Medical Center[7.], statin drugs have been linked with the development of acute pancreatitis. If statin use continues in a patient with pancreatitis, it could result in the development of pancreatic cancer, a cancer with the highest mortality rate.
Magnesium Lowers Cholesterol and Protects Your Heart Naturally
Lowering your cholesterol and protecting your heart does not have to come with such serious risks to your health. There is one simple mineral that can help reduce your cholesterol levels and protect you from the abnormal heart rhythm that can result in sudden heart attack.
It may surprise you to know that magnesium was first shown to be of value in the improvement of cardiac function in 1935. Among more holistic medical practitioners, magnesium is still used today to correct for and protect against atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular arrhythmias.
A clinical trial conducted by Messina University in Italy[8.] revealed that “Chronic magnesium supplementation produced a significant reduction of plasma cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and an increase of HDL cholesterol”.
For my patients, I recommend my Diamond Nutritional’s Chelated Magnesium supplement.
Its patented chelation technology stabilizes the minerals while creating some of the smallest absorbable minerals available. This is important because larger minerals cannot pass through the intestinal wall as well and therefore are not as well-absorbed by our bodies. This formula is especially beneficial for individuals with impaired digestion and/or malabsorption disorders.
Your body needs cholesterol in order to function at its best. If your cholesterol levels are higher than they should be, statin drugs are not your only option for lowering them. In my opinion, they should be your last resort.
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Thank you for this article, Dr. Maxwell. My husband started on Lipitor a couple of years ago at the behest of his doctor. Since then, his health has taken a turn for the worse. The side effects include chronic muscle pain, fatigue, and nausea. He will be seeing his doctor next week and I will encourage him to look into these side effects. At this point, I’m concerned.