How to Treat Gastroparesis Naturally


by Dr. Craig A. Maxwell


Gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, is a Greek word meaning “a weakness of movement.” This disorder slows or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Symptoms of gastroparesis include a feeling of fullness after eating a very small meal, sometimes just one or two bites, vomiting undigested food, nausea, stomach pain, burping, and abdominal bloating.


The most common conventional treatments for delayed gastric emptying are prokinetic agents (gastrointestinal motility enhancers). Perhaps the best known one is Reglan (metoclopramide). The antibiotic erythromycin is also used as a prokinetic. These are just two examples of several available medications.


Excessive antibiotic use often causes more health problems than it treats. Since antibiotics do not discriminate against good or bad bacteria, they wipe out everything, including the good bacteria you need to digest and absorb your food. Possible side effects of erythromycin include antibiotic-resistance, neurological impairment, liver problems, skin rashes, hives, vertigo, pancreatitis, and even hallucinations.


Reglan had a “black box” warning attached to it in 2009 because of its tendency to cause debilitating movement disorders such as tardive dyskinesia. Despite the fact that Reglan should only be used for 8 week maximum to treat gastroparesis, many patients remain on it for months or even years at a time.


You can treat gastroparesis naturally without the risk of these potentially dangerous side effects.


Medical Conditions That Cause Gastroparesis


Diabetes is the most common medical condition associated with the development of gastroparesis. Over time, high blood glucose levels damage the vagus nerve, which is responsible for sending signals to and from the brain and gut. Once this nerve becomes damaged, gastroparesis can result.


Diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis can cause gastroparesis. Delayed gastric emptying can also develop as a side effect from chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Thyroid disease has also been shown to be a contributing factor.


According to a study published by the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology[1.], 27% of the patients with gastroparesis also tested positive for H. Pylori infection


Many other things can cause gastroparesis, including:


  • Antacids
  • Anticholinergics
  • Atropine
  • Beta Agonists
  • Calcitonin
  • Calcium Channel Blockers
  • Dexfenfluramine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Ethanol
  • Glucagon
  • Interleukin-1
  • L-Dopa
  • Lithium
  • Octreotide
  • Ondansetron
  • Narcotics
  • Nicotine
  • Potassium Salts
  • Progesterone
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors
  • Sucralfate
  • Tricyclic Antidepressants


Many medical practitioners diagnose the cause of gastroparesis as idiopathic meaning, “no known cause.”


How to Treat Gastroparesis Naturally


  • Take Insulin After Meals


In the case of diabetic gastroparesis, patients are often instructed to take insulin after meals, instead of before to avoid the excess flood of glucose into the system that often precedes intestinal paralysis.


  • Get Tested for Thyroid Disease


Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone output) is one of the most common, yet under-diagnosed diseases in the world. One of the most unfortunate aspects of this is that standardized thyroid testing often misses this disease. One of the most accurate profiles, and one I have trusted for years is the Complete Thyroid Panel + Thyroid Antibodies from Direct Labs.


This test carefully measures your Free and total T3, Free and total T4, TSH and also tests for any antibodies which may have developed as a result of an autoimmune response. This panel of tests will not only tell you whether you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, but Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as well. Just take the test order slip to any Quest Laboratory location to get your blood drawn.


You’ll get your results back in about 5 business days.


  • Give Acupuncture a Try


Acupuncture uses hollow-pointed needles in lines on the body called meridians. Based on their placement, these needles are believed to restore healthy immunity and neurological function while removing blocks in your life-force energy called ‘chi’.


If you’ve never used natural modalities before, the idea of acupuncture might not appeal to you at first. However, scientific studies have shown that this ancient Eastern practice is quite effective in treating gastroparesis naturally.


For example, a study on a 61-year-old woman with a 2-year history of gastroperesis published by Dr. San Hong Hwang of Southern California University of Health Sciences, Whittier, CA[2.]. revealed that after 5 acupuncture and herbal treatments, the digestive motility of the patient was restored 100%. 


Another study, this one published by the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine[3.], acupuncture resulted in a 94.2% total effective rate in the relief of symptoms in patients with diabetic gastroparesis. 


Make Dietary Changes


  • Gluten Free – The most common diet suggested for the treatment of gastroparesis is low-fat, low-fiber, and low carbohydrate. I go one step further in also advising a gluten-free diet. Even mild gluten intolerance can result in worsening of GI symptoms.


  • Fermented Foods – I also recommend a diet rich in lacto-fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, black garlic, and kefir.


  • Bone Broth – Bone broth is very nutritious and healing for your gut, as it contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, glucosamine, chondroitin, and glycine to ease digestion and soothe inflammation.


Here is a very good, simple recipe for chicken bone broth which I often recommend to my patients:


Easy Slow-Cooker Bone Broth Recipe



Place 1-2 lbs of chicken bones in pot and cover with cold water. Add 2 T of organic, raw apple cider vinegar and let sit for 30 min to an hour. This pulls the nutrients and minerals off the bones for a more nutrient dense soup.


Simmer on low for 12-24 hours – 20 hours produces great results.

Remove the bones. Next, fill sink with ice and water then pour through a cheese cloth lined strainer into a separate pot sitting in the ice bath. Stir until cool and place in fridge.


Once completely cooled down the fat will solidify on top which can be scooped out and discarded. At this point divide into containers, saving enough for the next few days, and freeze what’s left.


Tip: Freeze in ice cube trays. In a standard size tray each cube is 1/8 cup.


Juicing is another healthy option to get the nutrients your body needs. As organic fruits and vegetables move through your juicer, the bulk of the fiber content is removed, making it easier for those with gastroparesis to digest.


If you have diabetes, take care to avoid adding too many starchy vegetables and sweet fruits. Try preparing your juice with tomatoes, green pepper, celery, ginger root, garlic, asparagus, cucumber, and/or romaine lettuce.


Start slowly and experiment until you get a combination that works best for you and your own individual needs.


What Are The Best Supplements For Gastroparesis?

Here’s my 4-part protocol I have used with many of my patients over the years with much success. I recommend that each be taken in the proper balance and dose, as described. These may be taken together.

 1.) Chelated Magnesium – Neurological dysfunction (including vagus nerve paralysis) is often caused in part by magnesium deficiency. This is why I recommend Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium for my patients with with both chronic digestive and neurological dysfunction. I believe chelated magnesium is the best type of magnesium supplement for those with digestive issues as it is easily absorbed. For my patients with gastroparesis, I recommend taking two capsules twice a day with breakfast and evening meal.


2.) High-Quality Probiotics – Probiotics are the live, active cultures found in fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut. Since you may have been given antibiotics to treat your condition, it is vitally important you “re-seed” your gut to avoid further complications. For this, I recommend Diamond Nutritionals’ Probiotic Formula. It contains a full complement of healing, high-quality cultures designed to help you break down and absorb nutrients from food. For my patients with gastroparesis, I recommend taking one capsule a day with a meal.


3.) Digestive Enzymes – Digestive enzymes are critical in the digestion and absorption of the essential nutrients from food. Diamond Nutritionals’ Digestive Enzyme Formula contains pancreatin, amylase, protease, and lipase to ensure you receive the most nutrition you can from any bit of food you take in. For my patients with gastroparesis, I recommend taking two of these specialized digestive enzyme capsules before each meal.


4.) Vitamin D3 – According to a study published by Hormone and Metabolic Research[4.], those with idiopathic gastroparesis experienced improved stomach emptying the higher their levels of vitamin D3. Without adequate levels of vitamin D3, immune, digestive, and neurological health suffer. This is why I recommend taking a Diamond Nutritionals’ Vitamin D3 5,000 daily to return levels to optimum. For my patients with gastroparesis, I recommend taking one D3 5,000 IU capsule a day with a meal.


  • Do Deep Breathing Exercises


Deep, slow belly breathing can help stimulate your vagus nerve and help it to heal itself. Inhale through your nose, allowing your stomach and abdomen to expand. Exhale through your mouth, letting your exhalation last longer than your inhalation. Do this periodically throughout the day to induce feelings of calm while improving your digestion.

Even if you’ve had gastroparesis for several years, this doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a life of the same. These natural treatments can improve your digestion and return you to a healthier state.

Please feel free to contact me to schedule a telemedicine consultation or office consultation at our Integrative Medical Center in Metamora, Indiana. I will be glad to help you.

Need More Personalized Help? 

Contact Dr. Maxwell for a Private Natural Health Consultation Today


    • Thank you for your comment, Amy. I hope it proves helpful for you. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you back on your journey to wellness.

  1. your article was helpfull and inspiring i have been a diabetic type 2 ,insulin dependant,hypothyroid for 15 yrs and now im afraid i have severe problems with burping especially i notice this is not mentioned as a symptom of gastraparesis why?

    • Hello Ms. Herrera,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      You are correct about the burping.
      I am glad you pointed it out, and have added it to the article.
      Warmest Regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

  2. Hello Dr. Craig Maxwell. I would like to know if I can combine the probiotics and digestive enzymes together. If so. Should I take them separately? I bought 2 different containers. I didnt buy the probiotics that come with enzymes . I bought them separately. Thanks.

    • Hello,
      Diamond Nutritional’s Probiotics and Diamond Nutritional’s Digestive Enzymes may be taken together.
      Warmest Regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

    • Hi Bill,
      Thank you for your question.
      Abdominal bloating can have an effect on breathing by pressing on the diaphragm muscles.
      Dr. Maxwell

  3. Hi i have been sick for over two months now.. i am constantly nauseous and havent kept any solid food down since February. Does this sickness come with migraines? What antibiotics are recommended?

  4. Hello Dr. Maxwell,
    My Husband has been suffering with abdominal pain for almost 2 years now. He has had several tests done (CAT scan, EGD, Colonoscopy, ultra sound) and all come back normal. His Doctors tell him that he has gastritis, and have given him omeprazole. This does not seem to be working and we have seen 3 different Doctors. The newest one tells him it is spasms. I just happen to come across this article as I was trying once more to diagnose him myself. I really think this is the answer, but if he is on omeprazole will it make this condition worse? He goes a few days without pain or a bowel movement and then all of a suden after a meal he is in sever pain and says he feels a knot in his stomach. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • Hi Ashley,
      Thank you for contacting me. Has your husband been checked for H.Pylori? It is very common, and
      causes many problems. If he has H.Pylori, PPI medication can make the symptoms worse by drying up virtually
      all of the stomach acid without treating the infection. The special combination of ingredients in Diamond Nutritionals’ Stomach Support Formula
      eliminates Helicobacter Pylori while soothing the stomach. It has helped many of my patients over the years.
      Dr. M

  5. Comment:six months ago i had an endoscopy and was declared h pyrolli +. then i was given a regime of antibiotics for 10 days. since then i feel pain in stomach, abdomen especially on right side and sometimes in rectum, feeling of fullness, burps, bloating and burning like sensation in stomach and intestines. Doctors say its in my mind while others say dysmotility or ibs. Please help if you can. I am getting weaker n sick day by day and have lost weight.

    • Hello Shakeel,
      Thank you for contacting me. You have been through quite a lot!
      Please go to the opening page at There you will find our
      question and answer box. Kindly provide more information about yourself.
      I will be glad to make every effort to help you.
      Dr. Maxwell

  6. Hi I have type 1 diabetes with all the neuropathy side, ie. Pain neuropathy,autonomic neuropathy etc also I have had gastro paresis for 6 years undiagnosed for 2 years. I’m on ordansatron aswell as other anti sicknesses, and I struggle every day living with this condition. I suffer with all of the symptoms daily which causes doing day to day thing very hard. I’m only 29 years and had diabetes since I was 18mth old. I ended up with gastro paresis by being on the wrong insulin which my gp never thought to change even though I was having continuous high blood sugars. I have tried the juicing diet but it seems to make me worse but some foods I can tolerate some days Il be sick like usual but by the afternoon Il be okay so I usually only manage to eat late afternoon. But other days I’m so bad from the minute I wake up and I cant even tolerate a sip of water. My consultants are struggling on what next to do on how to help me and be comfortable but avent came up with anything yet. Also I suffer with alot of pain which is agony and I cant find anything to ease that either. Is there anything you could do? Or give me so advice? I would be very grateful. Thanks claire

    • Hello Claire,
      I am sorry to hear about all you have been through. I have a natural treatment program for neuropathy/gastroparesis.
      Please contact me at 513-741-4404. I will be glad to schedule a telemedicine consultation with you.
      Warmest Regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

  7. My best friend doesn’t have diabetes but has gastroparesis. I have no idea how to help her. I made her doctor discontinue reglan because she was experiencing serious side effects. What can i do to help?

    • Hi Shyann,
      Thank you for contacting me. I have used the protocol outlined in this article with many patients over the years with good success.
      Please make note of the diet, special supplements, and avoidance of medications which are known to cause gastroparesis, or make is worse.
      Dr. Maxwell

  8. Hi I have a 18 yearold son who I think has gastroparesis. tried every massage acupuncture medicine did all kinds of tests nothing helps. Any special supplements you know of that might help. he was diagnosed a year ago with olivopontocerebellar degeneration had tumor removed at age 3. trying cannabis sativa oil will see if it does anything.

  9. Dr Maxwell, I have gastropresis not due to diabetes or thyroid but due to possible damage to vagus during laprosvopic inguinal hernia surgery.
    But D3 is also low. Please advise which high quality d3 supplement I shudder take and where is it available in Delhi,India. Also suggest any good accupuncture specialist in Delhi.

  10. I have gastroparesis and have all the thyroid symptoms but my TSH came back 1.26 so they say I don’t have thyroid problems?

    • Hello Ms. Massie,
      A TSH is often used to screen for hypothyroidism. In my experience, it should not be used alone as it misses too many patients with hypothyroidism.
      At the very least, I recommend TSH+T4+T3+Free T4+Free T3 to screen for hypothyroidism. I invite you to read my articles about hypothyroidism.
      Dr. M

    I believe I have an inherited form of neuropathy, since I suffer from the same symptoms my father and grandfather had – electrical shock sensations up to my knees, painful, numb feet, pain and redness in my hands and arms. painful foot cramps that ramp up at night, . I have been to a neurologist and tested negative for neuropathy with an EMG. My understanding is that there is also another form of inherited neuropathy in which an EMG will be normal. Unfortunately, I also suffer from facet joint disease and have been prescribed flexiril. I now believe that my vagus nerve has been affected since I suffer from daily painful stomach pains and severe constipation. I have changed my diet and stopped taking the flexeril but have had no good results. To make matters worse, I am in severe back pain. My family doctor is not providing any assistance at this point and denies that flexerill can may constipation worse. Can you help me?

  12. Hello Dr Maxwell,

    I’ve been diagnosed with GERD since I was 21yrs old. I am 35 now and over the past couple of years it seems like this condition has drastically started to affect my vagus nerve. I recently had to be taken to the ER because of abdominal pain and heart palpitations. But, after being tested for practically everything, with no negative findings, my personal doctor suggested that due to my symptoms, it could be that I irritated my vagus nerve. I very recently had an upper scope done with only signs of a small hiatus hernia and the presence of GERD to show. I have lost about 10lbs and dread the palpitations at night, which do not let me sleep. My doctor put me on ambien but the side effects keep me from using it sometimes. I just started taking ginger after reading about its anti inflammatory effects on the body. I was also told by my Doctor to try co q 10, which I have but to no avail. I’m on omeprazole 20mg and I recently tried melatonin to aid with my sleep. It didn’t really help, I guess because my stress levels are so high. I have read a lot of other people’s posts talking about the power of acupuncture. And how it can stimulate the vagus nerve. Is there anything you can recommend to help with my situation.

    Thank you.

    • Hello Joe,
      Thank you for contacting me. I am sorry to hear about your symptoms. Please email me through our Q&A forum at
      I have some recommendations which have helped many of my patients that you may find quite helpful as well.
      Dr. M

  13. I ate some middle eastern food on new years eve this year and had a horrible reaction. I have had funny reactions after eating at the same place- I feel as if my bp shoots through the roof and i’m close to having a stroke. The food there seems healthy and it’s almost addictive- I suspect copious amounts of msg or something like it. I have been sick every day since. At first it was heart palpitations for nearly 2 weeks and extreme thirst, right arm numbness, upper lip numbness, my lower GI pretty much stopped which is very unusual for me. Dizzyness, blurred vision and a dulled swallowing reflex at times and sacral spine pain. The first week of symptoms I also had a dulled reaction when I needed to urinate. Everything leads to my vagal nerve being out of whack but this has happened overnight and I know the food was a trigger. The first couple weeks it was hitting like an anxiety attack shortly after a meal or when I was hungry and after trips to the ER and urgent care I know my heart is not the culprit. I am having a cat scan on my brain this friday. I’ve always taken probiotics and am going to try some digestive enzymes to see if that helps. I started gluten free the day after the offending meal as that was one of my new years resolutions. I’m only 30 and have small children so I have been very depressed the last few weeks thinking it could be something else wrong or will be an ongoing issue. I don’t think I can live like this. I guess I wonder if anyone has ever been triggered by a single meal or exposure to something so upsetting to the GI tract that could cause a flare up of this manner.

  14. Dear Dr.Maxwell,

    I have been a type 1 Diabetic for 30 years.I am on an insulin pump for 8 years.I take 2 domperidom for mild gastroparesis.Do you know if ginger is beneficial in helping to treat gastrparesis?

    • Hi Dee,
      Ginger can be beneficial, but I believe there are better ways to treat gastroparesis.
      Please feel free to email me directly at My staff will be glad to assist you in scheduling a consultation.
      Dr. Maxwell

  15. Thank you for writing such an informative article…I will have to give some of these a try (some I have already tried)
    I have such severe gastroparesis that I have been hospitalised several times this yr, placed on TPN and now I have a jej feeding tube and am completely unable to tolerate anything orally, even liquids! I am a single mother to two children, and as I’m sure you can imagine…dinner time is torture for me. Although I am happy my feeding tube is providing me with everything I need, of course I’d love to be able to eat again…even just a bite would be nice.

    • Hello Rachel,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I am sorry to hear about all you have been through.
      Please feel free to call my office to schedule a telemedicine consultation. This would include a complete
      review of your medical history, any test results, and consultations. Further testing would be ordered, if needed.
      My goal is to find the underlying cause(s). A natural, targeted treatment plan is then implemented.
      I have completed telemedicine consultations in many countries, including the UK, and would be glad to assist you.
      All my best,
      Dr. M

    • Hi Rachel,
      Thank you for the kind words!
      I am sorry to hear about all you have been through.
      Please feel free to try the recommendations in this article and keep me posted on your
      Dr. Maxwell

  16. Thank you for this information. I have idiopathic GP and am 47. Doctors do not want to put me on any meds. And truthfully the thought scares me because I have developed so many sudden unexplained food and medicine intolerances with scary reactions. I eat very clean now no processed foods, etc. and avoid all common food allergens. One of the things I never thought I would take again is a probiotic as I can get very weak, cold sweats and feel like I could pass out. As a result I try at a minimum to consume Almond yogurt, but find it irritates my gut. Dairy products give me mild dizziness with migraines and blurred vision. Prior to all of this a few years ago I could pretty much eat and drink anything including taking probiotics. At this point gastro medical testing shows GP and a stone in my gallbladder that doesn’t concern my doctor. Do any of the products you recommend contain any corn? If not I would like to try your regimen. Also do you have any recommendations with trying the probiotic at my risk of course ( such as trying the children’s formula first? I am wondering if that would be a milder option. )

    • Hello DC,
      Thank you for contacting me.
      I am sorry to hear about all you have been through.
      The recommended products are corn-free.
      Many of my adult patients with gastroparesis begin with the Childrens’ Probiotics as a milder option.
      If you would like, I would be glad to consult with you by phone or at our Integrative Medical Center.
      Warmest regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

  17. Hi DR Craig.

    I have rosacea and i think the culprit is sibo . I can get read of my sibo with some natural anbiotics , but one or two months the sibo return. I dont now if i have ioleval valvue damaged or i have Gastroparesis or hypothyroidism. I dont now but something is causing the sibo to return. Do you think mutipro or iberogast are prokenetic natural that can help ??? I think i must be down on HCL as well .

    Tanks doctor ,

    • Hello,
      I understand how frustrating and painful this is.
      Please contact me through our Q & A forum on this website. I will be glad to assist you.
      Dr. Maxwell

  18. Hello, I have gastroparesis, which I believe was caudedicated by radiation. That’s when I started having problems. I also have stage 4 breast cancer that had mesestized to my bones. The cancer is everywhere. But my biggest problem right now Is nasea and throwing everything up even liquids. They gave me Reglan which does not help like it used to, know I’m learning of bad side effects. I have enough of those with my cancer pills. My question is will any of the things you are suggesting interfere with my cancer medication? I really want to enjoy the rest of my life but this gastroparesis is making it very hard.

    • Hello Ms. Salazar,

      Thank you for contacting me. I am sorry to hear about all you have been through. Please DM me through our Q & A forum on the opening page. I need to learn more about your
      cancer, any other problems you are having, and what medications you are taking before making a recommendation about your gastroparesis.

      I look forward to helping you with your symptoms.

      Dr. Maxwell

    • Hi June,
      Thank you so much for the kind words! I am glad you find this information helpful.
      Warmest regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

  19. I have MS, Chronic Calcified Pancreatitis caused by a gallbladder attack 3 decades ago, bile duct disorder. I was wondering if having ERCP’s (11 in 22 months) can caused gastroparesis. I had stents put into my bile ducts a few months ago, they had to remove them after 21 days due to I was allergic to them. With in a month or two I began having the bloating, and eating a few bites and feeling fill, and some pain. I just do not need anymore conditions. But I need to know if I have that too. Thank you for being a voice of reason.

    Leona Hanneken

    • Hello Ms. Hanneken,
      Thank you for contacting me and sharing your medical experiences.
      In my experience, the conditions you have, along with your reactions to the stents may contribute to, or cause, gastroparesis.
      Please consider beginning the natural gastroparesis program outlined in this article. Many have found this program to be quite helpful and I hope you do as well.
      I wish you the best of health!
      Dr. Maxwell

      • I have just been diagnosedwith slow emptying stomach after test and an Endoscopy . When I eat a large meal my blood pressure goes so high I have had to go to the ER Thank you for your information. I find it helpful.

        • Hi Nadina,

          Thank you for contacting me. I am sorry to hear about your symptoms, but I am glad you found this information to be helpful.

          I hope you start the program, as it has helped so many!

          I wish you the best of health!

          Warmest regards,

          Dr. Maxwell

  20. Hello Dr. Maxwell,
    I hope and pray your suggestions will be helpful and I Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the information.
    I have done a lot of research but never came across the information about D3 or magnesium. I do not have diabetes and was never sure how this unfortunate thing happened to me. I have been under a lot of stress with the loss of my husband 5 yrs. ago, my brother 2 and just recently my Mother, just a few months back. Not to mention 3 long time pets and 3 very dear friends.
    I know that on my last blood panel I was very low in vitamin D3 but I am not sure about magnesium. I am do for a physical and hope they can test for that.
    Once again, a thousand Thank yous for this important information.
    Sincerely, Holly Hiner

    • Hello Ms. Hiner,

      I am so sorry to hear about all you have been through, but I am glad you find this information helpful!

      When you have your doctor check your magnesium level, be sure to ask for an “RBC Magnesium” test, not just a regular magnesium test.
      The regular magnesium test measures only serum magnesium and almost always comes back as normal. Please remember that 99% of our body’s magnesium is hard at work
      in our cells, not our serum, so it is necessary to check cellular levels.

  21. Dr. Maxwell,

    I have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, had my gallbladder removed, and shortly after developed idiopathic gastroparesis as well as symptoms of IBS-D. No one has been able to give me the help I need or direct me in the right direction. I am miserable. I do not have diabetes. Every meal–everything I eat… is torture and feels like food is rising up my throat and causes extreme stomach discomfort. I like off of crackers, mashed potatoes, pudding, liquids, and coffee. Any advice would be greatly appreaciated. Thank you.

    Juliette B.

    • Hello Ms. Blanchard,

      Thank you for contacting me. I understand your frustration and pain.

      In my experience, it sounds as if further investigation into your symptoms needs to be done to be able to design a natural, targeted treatment plan for you.

      I will be glad to consult with you, either by telemedicine or at our Integrative Medical Center. Either would include a complete review of your medical history, any test results, and consultations. Further testing would be ordered, if needed. A targeted treatment plan would then be implemented.

      Please feel free to call my staff at 513-741-4404. They will be glad to assist you and answer any question you may have.

      I look forward to helping you!

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  22. Dear Dr. Maxwell,

    I have adrenal disorder and my adrenal glands do not produce pregnenolone in sufficient amount. So I have to supplement it and feel great on it. Except: some of the pregnenolone is converted into progesterone and causes gastroparesis, even in small amounts. Without the hormone I can handle the symptoms, it’s not as severe .But with hormones I can barely drink without throwing up. Any suggestions? According to my endocrinologist I have to take the pregnenolone.
    Thank you!

    • Hello Manuela,

      I understand your frustration.
      For my patients with symptoms such as yours, I have recommended Diamond Nutritionals’ 3-in-1 Chelated Magnesium for
      years with very good success.
      Magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the body, including regulation of the nerves which control the GI tract. At least 80% of the population is deficient in magnesium at the cellular level.
      The proper form, quality and dose are extremely important.
      For my patients with gastroparesis, I recommend two twice a day.
      I wish you the best of health!
      Dr. Maxwell

  23. Hey Dr. Maxwell, I appreciate what you have provided on gastroparesis. My sister is suffering from the disorder, is a type 2 diabetic, kidney transplant patient and currently in the hospital for the 3rd time in 2 mos for the same condition. My question is can IV therapy help in any way to speed up the healing process? She is miserable and tired of dealing with the effects of the Prednesone for kidney adaptation and now gastroparesis.. She is 67 and weak and doesn’t seem to have the will to fight any longer. The doctors just keep stabilizing her and then sending her home. Can you offer any suggestions for immediate relief outside of what you have provided? One more thing, if IV therapy will help, what do you have to do or say to the doctors in the hospital to help them help the patient? Thank you for anything you can offer.

    • Hello Mr. Collins,

      Thank you for contacting me. I am sorry to hear about all your sister is going through.

      Please DM me for a telemedicine (phone) consultation. Telemedicine includes a complete review of your sister’s medical history, along with any test and consultation results. Further testing can be ordered if needed. My goal is to find any underlying causes or contributing factors and eliminate or improve them. A targeted treatment program is then recommended.

      All my best,

      Dr. Maxwell

  24. Dear Dr. Maxwell
    i have gastroparesis and my gallbladder was removed 25 years ago. I have the bloating and burping all the time. I also have burning lower with nexuim that not working . What to do?
    Please Help

    • Hello Jeri,

      I am sorry to hear about your symptoms. Many who have had their gallbladder removed have these symptoms.
      Please PM me and tell me about your medical history. I have successfully treated many with these symptoms over the years.
      In my experience, for most, the treatment is natural and easy.

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  25. I really appreciate natural medicine physician’s not only for their knowledge of medicine but for their training in nutrition which lacks in conventional medicine. There will never be any money put forth to educate people how to eat. In some very old medical texts, I have this conversation was brought up repeatedly. I think the general population needs to take some responsibility to begin educating themselves and not wait until years of abuse pass and hope it can be fixed. We all need to just have a little more love for our bodies and understand we are what we eat. If we all were opposed to the foods that make us ill the businesses who make them would go out of business. The root cause is the best way to go and it can be expensive but everyone’s health should be worth it. I was sick for 14 yrs with three different problems and I became a regular at the medical library. I have one left to solve and I am close but allopathic medicine is good for surgeries and trauma. Symptoms equate to a drug, not a cause. Doctors become doctor’s because they love what they do and all of you may be surprised how much you will love to learn how to be the best you can be. I am glad this doctor wants to reach out to those in need. My husband got an ulcer and cured it with 32 ozs. of cabbage juice over a two week period and did not have to take the purple pill. we have so many great models available to us but much of the population is brainwashed to think a 15-minute visit is a fix all. Always use common sense in anything but stay well and healthy. Reach for a good plate of clean food, and a book to educate yourself and realize you’re not alone we all get the 15-minute appointments and it’s not what the doctor’s really want it’s what they are told to do. Magnesium should be one’s best friend.

    • Hello Ms. Browne,

      Thank you for contacting me and for providing your valuable observations!

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  26. I have had gastroparesis for at least 8 years. I had my gallbladder out in2007. My dr has done thyroid blood tests and he says they are normal.Just recently I had my 13th endoscopic procedure because I experienced burning pain under rib cage. Dr also said I have gastritis and the start of Barrett’s . I’m on Omiperzole 40mg 2x daily..I was on domperidone for 4 years with some relief (except severe constipation) and it was very hard to get…I got it out of Canada…I’m having pain in stomach every time I eat…have you heard of wireless motility capsule? I’m at wits end and losing weight…my next step is Mayo Clinic. I’m currently going to chiro and thinking about acupuncture . My chiro says Vegus nerve can be regenerated…Your thoughts please

    • Hello Sandra,

      I am sorry to hear about all you have been through.

      For my patients, I have recommended the supplements outlined in this article for many years with much success.
      Part of this program also involves stimulating the vagus nerve, which is very important in those suffering with gastroparesis.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  27. My son has been sick for almost 2 months. In the past he drank many energy drinks and ate lots of pizza. Doesn’t eat many vegetables at all but in general he stays in good shape. Never had surgery but when I read the symptoms of Idiopathic gastroparesis it seems like he has it. If they test for this is there any chance it could still be something else?
    He has lost 20 lbs in 2 months due to not wanting to eat. Loose stool, Can’t eat much at one time. Sometimes just first bit of food make him nauseous, sometimes after eating a small meal it is too much for him and he gets nauseous. No cramps, no head aches, no bloating that I know of. The other morning my wife found him face down on the floor groaning in nausea. He was throwing up until he had dry heaves. We took him to ER. Tested negative for diabetes and Hypothyroidism. More tests coming.
    Hoping it’s not Idiopathic gastroparesis! What do you think it is?

    • Hello Poul,

      I am sorry to hear about your son. You are wise to have him tested for gastroparesis but please keep in mind there are other conditions which need to be ruled out.
      Please feel free to contact me directly at I will be glad to schedule a telemedicine consultation to review his test results, investigate further to find the root cause, and customize a treatment plan for him.

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  28. My wife, age 62, has cirrhosis of the liver and has been having problems with ascites, esophageal varices and lately, hepatic encephalopathy. Recently had upper endoscope to check and band the esophageal varices. The scope showed apparent gastroparesis, which would account for the fact that she can eat only a few bites and is full and usually ends up vomiting, then feels better for a while (Doctor prescribed metoclopramide, 5mg, but after reading the side effects have not given it to her. Scary stuff). She is very weak and has lost about 30 pounds in the last 11 months or so. She broke both of her legs almost a year ago (osteoporosis) and has had complications that have hindered her rehabilitation, e.g. infections, etc. and most recently has had the liver problems. Consequently she is still not able to stand or walk. She took a lot of antibiotics for her leg wound problems and currently is on meds to help with the liver problems (furosemide, spironolactone, pantoprozole (had an ulcer, too), xifaxan, and lactulose to get rid of ammonia build-up). Also, because of her legs, has been on oxycodone for pretty bad pain. She’s going to see her PCP in a couple of days and I will ask to test for magnesium, D-3 and thyroid. Is this a good approach? I’d much rather use a more natural remedy than dangerous drugs. Thank you for a very informative forum.

    • Hello Mr. King,

      Thank you for contacting me. I am sorry to hear about all your wife is going through.

      Checking the levels you mention is very important. When your wife has her magnesium checked, please be sure to ask for an RBC magnesium test.

      I would be glad to schedule a telemedicine (phone) consultation. This would include a complete review of your wife’s medical history, any test results, and consultations. Further testing can be ordered if needed. My goal is to find the underlying cause(s) and correct them when possible. A natural, targeted treatment plan is then implemented.

      I wish your wife the best of health!

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  29. I am scheduled to have my gallbladder removed august 29. But i also have been told i have gastroparesis, but in reading articles of people who have it, i am one that does NOT get full easily when eating, nor do i immediately feel sick or get sick. I go about 3 weeks before the vomiting and tarry stools and pure sickness hits me. After all the undigested food is out of my stomach, im fine again until it builds back up. Is this common also with gastroparesis?

    • Hello Ms. Canter,

      Thank you for contacting me.
      In my experience, what you are describing is rather unusual for those with gastroparesis.
      Please feel free to contact me by DM at as I would like to find out more about your symptoms and schedule a telemedicine consultation with you.

      All my best,

      Dr. Maxwell


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