Rebounding – How to Bounce Your Way to Better Health


by: Dr. Craig A. Maxwell

Mini trampolineWhen you think of a mini trampoline, you probably picture something your kids might like to play with, but mini trampolines aren’t just for fun. Rebounding, a type of exercise that uses a mini trampoline, has been touted by NASA as “the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.”

Rebounding burns approximately 15% more calories than walking or jogging and takes all of your major muscle groups through their full range of motion. Rebounding is the only form of exercise that strengthens, tones, and detoxifies every single cell in your body.

It also encourages lymphatic drainage, which strengthens your immune system and prevents the development of disease.

The Importance of Your Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a subset of your circulatory system and is responsible for transporting a clear, colorless fluid that flushes toxins from your body. This fluid is called lymph and its proper flow is critical to proper immune system function.

You may not be aware of this but your tonsils and adenoids are a part of your lymphatic system and they are your first line of defense against harmful germs and contaminants.

Unfortunately, with tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies accounting for more than half a million US surgeries, many have lost this defense, even though these two common operations have been found to be largely ineffective.

The spleen is your largest lymphatic organ, which produces the lymphocytes that create antibodies that fight off foreign invaders. Part of your spleen also acts a filtration system, which is responsible for removing old and damaged red blood cells from your body.

The thymus gland stores the lymphocytes created by the spleen, giving them a place to mature into active T-cells. T-cells are your immune system’s soldiers, responsible for protecting you from infection and malignancy.

When your lymphatic system is working well, your immune system functions properly and disease is kept at bay. However, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and exposure to toxins can slow your lymphatic drainage down to a crawl. When this happens, you are much more vulnerable to colds and flu as well as more serious diseases like lymphedema and breast cancer.

Pain in stomach - girl in painSymptoms of a sluggish lymphatic system include:

Frequent colds and infections

Chronic fatigue

Poor circulation


Itching skin (not related to skin conditions)

Heavy sweating

Chronic allergies and sinusitis

The Powerful Lymphatic Benefits of Rebounding

Normally, your lymphatic system drains very slowly at about one to two fifths of a teaspoon per minute. When you are rebounding, this drainage ramps up to an impressive four teaspoons per minute. Rebounding creates a powerful change in the gravitational pull on your body, which opens your lymphatic valves and encourages lymphatic circulation.

The upward bounce on a rebounder closes your lymphatic valves while the downward plummet opens them. The increased G-force with which you land causes a surge of lymphatic drainage, improving circulation and detoxifying your entire system.

More Health Benefits of Rebounding

In addition to detoxifying your body and improving overall immune functioning, rebounding also has some other amazing health benefits.

Rebounding improves:

Bone density

Rebounding offers a low-impact workout that provides muscle and bone-strengthening benefits without the strain associated with some cardiovascular and weight-bearing exercises.

Balance and coordination

Rebounding improves your brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus in your inner ear, which improves both balance and coordination.

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Rebounding improves the strength and vitality of every cell in your body.


Rebounding increases your metabolic rate, which helps improve the number of calories burned at rest as well as during exercise.

Lung capacity and respiration

Rebounding improves respiratory function through deep, rhythmic breathing and increased cellular oxygenation.


Excessive toxic build-up in the body can interfere with proper sleep. Rebounding releases toxins while decreasing stress hormones, leading to a more peaceful, relaxed slumber.


Rebounding regulates peristalsis (intestinal muscle movement), which improves digestion and elimination.

Thyroid function

Rebounding tones the endocrine system. This improves thyroid output and may reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism.


Rebounding improves circulation, oxygenation of organs and cells, and detoxifies the entire system. This helps improve overall brain function, including memory and retention.

Mental Health

The combination of exercise, improved cellular oxygenation, and toxin elimination increase feelings of well-being and relaxation.

How to Select a Rebounder

When selecting a rebounder, it’s a good idea to avoid choosing the cheapest rebounder available. Cheap rebounders can easily break, resulting in injury and they don’t offer the same amount of joint support as their better-made counterparts.

There are certain things you want to pay attention to when selecting a rebounder. One, your rebounder should have at least 32 springs that taper at the end. This allows for better give and a more even bounce. Steel construction is best. Look for models that come with support bars if necessary and look for a Lifetime Guarantee or a strong refund policy. You should be able to try out your rebounder for 60-90 days before making a decision.

older man exercisingBefore selecting your rebounder, be sure to do thorough research and read reviews before making a commitment.

How to Use Your New Rebounder

Once you find the right rebounder for you, it’s time to get started using it. Rebounding is one of the most fun and versatile exercises you can do. It never gets boring and you can do it while listening to your favorite music or watching TV.

When you first get on your new rebounder, start slow with little jumps then increase to bigger jumps. Alternate your workout by adding jumping jacks, criss-crosses, and elliptical-style jumps. Max out with big jumps and cool down by going back to little jumps.

Alternatively, you can sit on your rebounder and use your feet to push your body up and down. You will still get the lymphatic drainage benefits even if you are unable to stand up to do your rebounding.

Rebounding is one of the best low-impact exercises you can do. It not only offers you a fun, effective way to work out, it also strengthens your organs while detoxifying your entire body. With rebounding, you can’t go wrong. Just 15 minutes a day is all you need to burn calories, boost your metabolism, and help stave off disease.



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